Project Unlearn - Send children to school not work

Do you remember your care-free childhood? Cycling with friends, hanging off trees, playing ball and breaking the window glass, spending summer holidays with grandparents. Yet, for 10.12 million children* in India, childhood is burdened with labour. From brick-kilns to beedi-making units and cracker industries to roadside eateries, children are wasting their childhoods learning to do manual jobs, which are usually meant for adults.

CRY's initiative 'Project Unlearn' urges you to make a difference in the lives of children who are forced to learn much more than they should at their age, because of circumstances that stop them from going to school and learn what they really should.

We invite you to join us to ensure 28,588 children from CRY-supported projects across India are removed from the clutches of child labour, put back into schools and unlearn those skills which rob them of their childhood. 

See our video below that brings out the world of child labourers. We want you to help us in stopping this. It may seem difficult but it's not impossible. Let's together ensure children go to school, instead of work.

(*Source: National Census 2011)